Can you negotiate with the original creditor? (2024)

Can you negotiate with the original creditor?

In some cases, you may still be able to negotiate repayment directly with your lender. Working with your original creditor instead of a debt collector can be beneficial. However, this approach won't work for everyone.

(Video) Negotiating With Creditors| Settle Debt With Debt Collectors | DIY Credit Repair Tips | LifeWithMC
Can I contact the original creditor instead?

Even if a debt has passed into collections, you may still be able to pay your original creditor instead of the agency. Contact the creditor's customer service department. You may be able to explain your situation and negotiate a payment plan.

(The Credit Repair Shop)
Is it better to pay the original creditor or the debt collector?

In a Nutshell

If you're able to do so, pay the original creditor before your debt goes to collections. Having a debt sent to collections will damage your credit score and may limit your options for repayment. In most cases, the original creditor will offer better repayment options than a debt collector will.

(Video) What 3 options does an Original Creditor have when it charges off your debt?
(Alabama Consumer Protection Lawyers)
Can I negotiate my debts with my creditors?

In some instances of serious financial hardship, your lender or credit card provider may be willing to settle your outstanding balance for less than what you owe — provided you can offer them a large lump-sum payment.

(Video) How to Settle Credit Card Debt with your Original Creditor
(Michael Bovee)
What should you not say to a creditor?

Don't provide personal or sensitive financial information

Never give out or confirm personal or sensitive financial information – such as your bank account, credit card, or full Social Security number – unless you know the company or person you are talking with is a real debt collector.

(Video) How Do I Handle Debts That Are In Collections?
(The Ramsey Show Highlights)
Can I negotiate with creditor after Judgement?

After a judgment has been rendered against you, fortunately, you may still be able to get the creditor to agree to allow you to pay less than the total amount owed. This can be done by entering a settlement agreement, in which an attorney can be of great assistance.

(Video) Getting Sued By A Debt Collector? DO THIS FIRST!
(Consumer Warrior)
How do I get my original creditor off my credit report?

Ask for Goodwill Deletions

If you have an excellent credit history, you may be able to get the original creditor or collection agency to remove the derogatory mark as a favor or act of “goodwill.” You'll generally have to pay the collection account off first, though, if you haven't already done so.

(Video) Can You Negotiate with Creditors on Your Own? | DFI30
(Debt Free in 30)
What is the 11 word phrase to stop debt collectors?

If you are struggling with debt and debt collectors, Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC can help. As soon as you use the 11-word phrase “please cease and desist all calls and contact with me immediately” to stop the harassment, call us for a free consultation about what you can do to resolve your debt problems for good.

(Video) Original creditor makes it harder to get help settling debt
(The Credit Repair Shop)
Can a debt collector ask for more than the original debt?

So it's pretty upsetting to learn that yes, in certain circ*mstances debt collectors are within their rights to continue adding fees to your debt after they've purchased it.

(Video) DO NOT Pay Debt Collectors | How to Handle Debt When It’s Gone to Collections
(Dow Janes - Financial Education)
How do I settle my debt with the original creditor?

So, if you want to bypass a debt collector, contact your original creditor's customer service department and request a payment plan. They may be willing to resume control of your account and put you on a flexible repayment plan.

(Video) How do I settle my original creditor collection lawsuit on my own?
(Alabama Consumer Protection Lawyers)

When should you not pay collection accounts?

It may be good not to pay a collection agency in the following circ*mstances: You don't have any income or assets, and you don't plan to change that. You don't owe that debt. Your plan is to settle the debt for less than what you originally owed.

(Video) What if original creditor suing me does NOT own the debt
(Alabama Consumer Protection Lawyers)
Why you should ignore debt collectors?

Ignoring a Debt Collector's Calls and Letters When You're Judgment Proof. If you're not employed or making very little, and you don't have any valuable assets a debt collector can take, you likely don't need to worry about repaying your debts. Debtors like you can ignore creditor calls because you're "judgment proof."

Can you negotiate with the original creditor? (2024)
What is the lowest a creditor will settle for?

Depending on the situation, debt settlement offers might range from 10% to 50% of what you owe. 1 The creditor then has to decide whether to accept.

How much should you negotiate with a debt collector?

Some will only settle for 75-80% of the total amount; others will settle for as a little as 33%. Looking for a place to set the bar? The American Fair Credit Counsel reports the average settlement amount is 48% of the balance. Again, start low, knowing the debt collector will start high.

Can a debt collector refuse to negotiate?

If your collection agency or creditor chooses to negotiate with you, they will be doing so at their own discretion, which also means that they're within their rights to refuse your settlement offer and demand repayment of the debt in full.

How do you outsmart a debt collector?

6 Ways to Deal With Debt Collectors
  1. Check Your Credit Report. ...
  2. Make Sure the Debt Is Valid. ...
  3. Know the Statute of Limitations. ...
  4. Consider Negotiating. ...
  5. Try to Make the Payments You Owe. ...
  6. Send a Cease and Desist Letter.
Sep 3, 2022

How do you tell a creditor you can't pay?

Contact your creditors immediately; don't wait for them to contact you. Even if your payment history is less than perfect, you will still make better arrangements by being forthright. Explain your current situation. Tell them your family income is reduced and you are not able to keep up with your payments.

What debt collectors don t want you to know?

Debt collectors don't want you to know that you can make them stop calling, they can't do most of what they tell you, payment deadlines are phony, threats are inflated, and they can't find out how much you have in the bank. Furthermore, if you're out of state, they may have no legal recourse to collect.

How much should I offer to settle a Judgement?

Offer a Lump-Sum Settlement

Some want 75%–80% of what you owe. Others will take 50%, while others might settle for one-third or less. If you can afford it, proposing a lump-sum settlement is generally the best option—and the one most collectors will readily agree to.

Can you settle for less on a Judgement?

You may be able to negotiate a settlement with the debt collector to allow you to pay off the judgment under better terms. In Limited Civil cases (cases for $35,000 or less), if the other side will not agree to a payment plan, you can ask the judge to order a payment plan.

What percentage should I ask a creditor to settle for after a Judgement?

Original creditors usually expect higher settlements, around 50% to 75% of the total balance, particularly for lump sum payments. Payment plans are an option but often result in paying more over time. It's important to propose a realistic plan based on your budget, without overcommitting to an amount you cannot afford.

What is a legal loophole to remove collections from credit report?

A 609 Dispute Letter is often billed as a credit repair secret or legal loophole that forces the credit reporting agencies to remove certain negative information from your credit reports. And if you're willing, you can spend big bucks on templates for these magical dispute letters.

Is it true that after 7 years your credit is clear?

Highlights: Most negative information generally stays on credit reports for 7 years. Bankruptcy stays on your Equifax credit report for 7 to 10 years, depending on the bankruptcy type. Closed accounts paid as agreed stay on your Equifax credit report for up to 10 years.

What is debt forgiveness called?

Debt relief or debt cancellation is the partial or total forgiveness of debt, or the slowing or stopping of debt growth, owed by individuals, corporations, or nations. From antiquity through the 19th century, it refers to domestic debts, in particular agricultural debts and freeing of debt slaves.

What is called debt trap?

The debt trap is a situation where you've been forced to take on more borrowings in order to pay off your existing debts. Eventually, you're stuck in a situation where the debt spirals out of control and exceeds your capacity to pay it off.


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

Last Updated: 29/04/2024

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.