What is EMI- EMI Full Form, Meaning & Definition. (2024)

Equated monthly instalments, or EMIs, are a convenient way to buy big-ticket items, such as a car or a house. Here’s an essential primer.

EMIs, short for equated monthly instalments, is no alien term in today’s world. Want to buy a house? Get a home loan and pay it back through EMIs. Need a car? A car loan will help, and you can pay it back through EMIs. Think of a loan, and EMIs are the default option to pay it back. At a more fundamental level, EMIs help you buy stuff that you might not be able to if you had to pay for it upfront. Let’s understand EMIs in greater detail and understand their various aspects.

What Is an EMI?

EMI stands for ‘equated monthly instalment’. It is the monthly amount you must pay your lender to repay a loan or debt, such as a home loan, a car loan, a personal loan, etc. EMI is a popular repayment method, as it allows you to purchase expensive things and pay for them in easy instalments. For example, if you want to buy a new car and you do not have sufficient funds, you can take a car loan and pay it back via EMIs. You will just need to make a down payment, which is a lump sum that goes out of your own pocket upfront.

How Do EMIs Work?

When you take a loan, your lender calculates interest for the entire loan period. Then, your loan amount and interest are divided into EMIs, which you must pay on a fixed date. These EMIs include both the interest as well as the principal portions. They remain constant throughout the loan period. An EMI is closed after the payment of the last instalment, and you can collect a NOC (no objection certificate) from the lender.

You also have other options to reduce or close your EMIs. You can prepay your total outstanding loan amount. But remember, your lender may charge pre-closure and other charges for early loan closure. Also, you can reduce your EMI by partially repaying your loan if your lender allows it. Alternatively, you can transfer your loan to other lenders offering lower interest rates. This will help you reduce your EMIs.

EMI Components

Your EMI consists of two components: principal and interest.

Principal component: It is the repayment towards your original loan amount. In every EMI payment, some portion goes to principal repayment, which reduces your outstanding loan amount with subsequent EMIs.

Interest component: It is the repayment of interest in every instalment. Interest is calculated on the outstanding loan amount for each month and included in your EMI.

In the initial period, the maximum portion of an EMI is interest. Later, principal repayment increases and the interest portion decreases correspondingly.

Factors Affecting EMIs

A number of factors affect your EMIs, such as the loan amount, interest rate, loan tenure, credit score, etc. Let’s understand each of these factors.

Principal: It is the amount you have borrowed from the financial institution. Your EMI and the principal amount are directly related to each other. The higher the loan amount, the higher the EMI and vice versa.

Interest: It is the rate at which you have borrowed the money. Interest and EMIs are directly related to each other. If your interest rate is high, the EMI amount will be high as well and vice-versa.

Tenure: It is the period in which you must repay your loan completely. It is inversely related to your EMIs. The higher the loan tenure, the lower your EMI will be and vice-versa.

Credit score: It is a three-digit number that indicates your creditworthiness to the lender. If your credit score is not good, then there are chances that you will be offered a loan at a higher interest rate, which will result in a higher EMI. So, it is advisable to maintain a healthy credit score to get the best loan offer. Generally, a credit score above 750 is considered good.

How Is an EMI Calculated?

You can calculate your EMI in two ways: the fixed-rate method and the reducing-balance method.

Fixed-Rate Method

Under the fixed-rate method, the interest amount remains unchanged over the complete loan duration. It means your monthly repayment towards principal and interest will remain the same throughout the loan tenure, irrespective of the amount repaid in instalments.

In this method, the total interest is computed for the initial borrowed amount. Then, the total interest and principal are paid in equal monthly instalments over the loan period.

You can calculate your EMI by using the following formula:

((P x R x N) + P )) / (N x 12)


P is the amount borrowed,

R is the interest rate

N is the loan tenure

Let’s take an example to understand this formula:

Let’s say you borrowed Rs. 2 lakh at a fixed interest rate of 12% for two years. Your monthly EMI will be calculated as

((2,00,000 x 12% x 2) + 2,00,000)) / (2 x 12)

After calculation, your monthly EMI will be Rs. 10,333.

Reducing-Balance Method

Under the reducing-balance method, interest is computed on the principal balance remaining after each payment. Your EMI includes both interest and principal components. Thus, your principal balance is reduced after each repayment. Next time, when you pay another instalment, interest is again computed on the reduced balance only. This process goes on for the full loan tenure.

As interest is computed on the outstanding principal balance, initial instalments include a higher proportion of interest and a lower proportion of principal repayments. In later years, the proportion of principal increases, and the interest proportion decreases in your EMI.

You can calculate your monthly EMI by using this mathematical formula:

P x R x (1+R)^N/[(1+R) ^ (N-1)]


P is the amount borrowed,

R is the per-month interest rate (for example, if the annual interest rate is 18%, then monthly interest will be 1.5% (18% / 12)).

N is the loan period in months.

Let’s understand this formula with an example.

Assume you have borrowed Rs. 5 Lakh at 18% for 10 years. In this case, P will be Rs. 5 lakh, R will be 1.5% (18% / 12), and N will be 60 (5 x 12).

Let’s put these values in the formula: 5,00,000 x 1.5% x (1+1.5%)^60 / [(1+1.5%) ^ (60-1)].

After solving the equation, your monthly EMI comes out to be Rs. 12,697. Your total repayment over five years for this loan will be Rs. 7,61,803, and the total interest will be Rs. 2,62,803.

Calculating your monthly EMI using a mathematical formula could be complicated and time-consuming. Hence, alternatively, you can use ET Money’s EMI calculator to calculate EMI in simple steps.

You just have to enter the loan amount, interest rate and loan tenure and click on the calculate button.

Advantages of EMIs

EMIs help you repay your loan in small instalments, but there are other advantages too. These are:

  • One can use EMIs to buy high-value things that one may otherwise be unable to.
  • As the EMI amount is fixed, you can plan your monthly budget accordingly.
  • EMIs help you opt for the most suitable loan tenure.
  • They can also help you improve your credit score if you make your EMI payments timely.

Types of EMI Loans

There are different types of loans you can repay through EMIs i.e Secured and Unsecured Loan which is further divided into personal loan, home loan, car loan, etc. Let’s understand each of these in detail:

Personal loan: A personal loan is an unsecured loan taken for short-term expenses, such as family vacations, home improvement, medical emergencies, etc. Unlike a secured loan, such as a car or home loan, a personal loan does not require collateral. These loans are generally offered at higher rates. You can use the Personal Loan EMI calculator to calculate your EMI on the personal loan and choose the best loan offer.

Home loan: A home loan is taken to buy a house. As such loans are secured, the interest rate is lower than that for personal loans. Generally, home loans have a longer tenure (10 to 30 years) of repayment.

It is desirable to check your EMI before proceeding further with your loan application. You can calculate your home-loan EMI using a home-loan EMI calculator.

Car loan: A car loan is also a secured loan taken to buy a car, where the car itself is the collateral. Hence, in the event of non-repayment, the lender can requisition the car.

When purchasing a car, it is necessary to provide a portion of the total cost upfront as the down payment. The remaining amount can be borrowed from a bank as a loan and can be repaid in EMI. You can calculate your car loan by using a car loan calculator.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is EMI per month?

EMI is the fixed monthly payment that you have to make for a loan availed, such as a home loan, a car loan or a personal loan. It is calculated based on the loan amount, interest rate, and loan tenure. For example, if you take a loan of Rs. 10 lakh for 10 years at a rate of 14%, then your EMI will be Rs.15,527.

How much EMI is safe?

A safe EMI amount depends on multiple factors, such as your income, existing debts, current expenses, and other financial goals. But generally, to be on the safer side, the total EMI should not exceed one-third or 33% of your total monthly income.

Is an EMI good or bad?

EMIs can be both good and bad. It depends on your requirements and financial situation. EMIs enable you to buy big-ticket items without paying the full amount at the time of purchase. In this sense, they are good. However, they can be bad if you take on more debt than you can comfortably repay. The burden of EMIs can severely impact your life if you are not judicious with them.

Are EMIs interest-free?

No, EMIs are not interest-free. You pay a fixed amount to the lender for loan repayment, which includes both principal and interest components.

Can EMIs be refunded?

Your EMI amount cannot be refunded. But if there are any technical issues and your account has been debited twice, your lender can refund or adjust your EMI against your subsequent EMIs.

What are EMI return charges?

Paying your EMIs on the due date is important, as it improves your credit score. Defaulting on your EMI can result in a penalty called EMI return charges. This penalty varies from lender to lender. You can check your loan sanction letter to know about your lender’s EMI return charges.

What is the formula used in calculating EMI on loans?

You can calculate your EMI on loans using the formula, P x R x (1+R)^N / [(1+R) ^ (N-1)]
Where P is the principal amount borrowed, R is the interest rate, and T is the loan period.

What is EMI- EMI Full Form, Meaning & Definition. (2024)


What is EMI and full form of EMI? ›

EMI stands for Equated Monthly Instalment. Essentially, an EMI is a fixed payment amount made by a borrower to a lender on a specified date each month. This instalment includes both the principal loan amount and the interest accrued over the loan tenure.

What does EMI stand for answer? ›

EMI stands for equated monthly instalment. It relates to payments made regularly to repay an outstanding loan within a certain time frame.

What is EMI called in the US? ›

An equated monthly installment (EMI) is a fixed payment amount made by a borrower to a lender at a specified date each calendar month. Equated monthly installments are used to pay off both interest and principal each month, so that over a specified number of years, the loan is fully paid off along with interest.

What is EMI with example? ›

For example, if you borrow Rs. 10,000 at an annual interest rate of 6% for 3 years (36 months), the monthly EMI would be EMI = 10,000 * (0.06/12) * (1 + 0.06/12)^36 / ((1 + 0.06/12)^36 - 1) = Rs. 303.87.

Is EMI good or bad? ›

EMI is neither inherently good nor bad—unless you consider borrowing and accruing debt bad, and paying for things in full the only "good" option.

Why is EMI used? ›

The concept of Equated Monthly Installments or EMI works really well with certain types of loans, including auto loans, real estate mortgages, student loans, and many more where the borrower of the loan makes fixed monthly payments over several years to the lender to get the complete loan amount paid off.

What are the benefits of EMI? ›

Budget-friendly approach: EMI allows individuals to spread the cost of expensive purchases over a series of manageable monthly payments. This makes it easier for people to afford high-value items without straining their finances or dipping into savings.

How many types of EMI are there? ›

There are 2 types of EMI payments that a borrower can choose to make - EMI in Advance and EMI in Arrears.

What did EMI stand for? ›

EMI Group Limited (formerly EMI Group plc until 2007; originally an initialism for Electric and Musical Industries, also referred to as EMI Records or simply EMI) was a British transnational conglomerate founded in March 1931 in London.

What is an example of an EMI? ›

EMI scheme example

Like Jane, Sarah acquires her shares worth £10,000 and pays no tax at this point. However, unlike Jane, Sarah does not have to pay Income Tax when she exercises her options six months later. This is because her exercise price matched the HMRC-approved valuation of the shares at the time of grant.

Who owns EMI? ›

EMI Records (formerly EMI Records Ltd.) is a British multinational record label owned by Universal Music Group. It was originally founded as a British flagship label by the music company of the same name in 1972, and launched in January 1973 as the successor to its Columbia and Parlophone record labels.

What is the other name of EMI? ›

Definition: EMI or equated monthly installment, as the name suggests, is one part of the equally divided monthly outgoes to clear off an outstanding loan within a stipulated time frame.

What is the EMI meaning? ›

What Is an EMI? EMI stands for 'equated monthly instalment'. It is the monthly amount you must pay your lender to repay a loan or debt, such as a home loan, a car loan, a personal loan, etc.

What is an EMI account? ›

An Electronic Money Institution (EMI) is a financial institution that is authorised to issue electronic money and provide payment services such as domestic and international electronic funds transfers and can provide bank accounts and e-wallets.

How to calculate EMI per month? ›

The EMI calculation formula to calculate loan EMI is as follows: EMI = P x R x (1+R)^N / [(1+R)^N-1], where P is the principal, R is the rate of interest, and N is the tenure.

What are the two types of EMI? ›

There are 2 types of EMI payments that a borrower can choose to make - EMI in Advance and EMI in Arrears. Unsecured and secured loans like personal loans and car loans (respectively) are repaid in Equated Monthly Installments (EMIs) by the borrower to the lender over a specified period of time called the loan tenure.

What does EMI stand for in money? ›

With that in mind, electronic money institutions (EMIs) are financial companies that issue electronic money and provide payment services. Clients can open accounts, send money overseas and set up direct debits, just like they can at traditional banks.

What is an EMI in banking? ›

An Electronic Money Institution (EMI) is a financial institution that is authorised to issue electronic money and provide payment services such as domestic and international electronic funds transfers and can provide bank accounts and e-wallets.

What does EMI stand for company? ›

EMI Group Limited (formerly EMI Group plc until 2007; originally an initialism for Electric and Musical Industries, also referred to as EMI Records or simply EMI) was a British transnational conglomerate founded in March 1931 in London.

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