Policymakers Must Weigh the Revenue, Distributional, and Economic Trade-Offs of SALT Deduction Cap Design Options (2024)

Heading into 2024, Congress is inching closer to a raft of taxA tax is a mandatory payment or charge collected by local, state, and national governments from individuals or businesses to cover the costs of general government services, goods, and activities. issues related to the expiration of 2017’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) at the end of 2025. Among these issues is the fate of the $10,000 cap on state and local tax (SALT) deductions, which remains uncertain as some policymakers continue to push for an increase or repeal of the cap ahead of its scheduled expiration in 2026. While they weigh their options, a substantial amount of revenue, and the distribution of the income tax burden, hangs in the balance.

Greater SALT cap relief could have a substantial fiscal cost and make the federal tax code more regressive by disproportionately benefiting higher earners, but it would boost incentives to work, save, and invest by reducing combined federal-state marginal income tax rates. Whichever direction lawmakers choose, SALT policy should be made stable and predictable for taxpayers through a permanent solution.

For background, taxpayers who itemize may deduct either their state income or sales taxes plus their state and local property taxes against their federal taxable incomeTaxable income is the amount of income subject to tax, after deductions and exemptions. For both individuals and corporations, taxable income differs from—and is less than—gross income.. Starting in 2018, the total value of this SALT deduction was limited to $10,000 through the end of 2025. The SALT deduction cap had different effects on taxpayers across the U.S., reflecting differences in state and local taxes.

Since 2021, congressional policymakers within both parties have considered a wide range of ideas for increasing the SALT deduction cap. For example, the Build Back Better Act introduced in September 2021 proposed increasing the SALT deduction from $10,000 to $80,000. Later that year, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) floated an idea to increase the SALT cap for taxpayers earning under $400,000. More recently, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) reportedly supported increasing the cap to $20,000 for single filers ($40,000 joint) as part of his bid to become Speaker of the House. While the designs differ, all these proposals would reduce federal revenue, make the tax code more regressive, and lower marginal income tax rates.

To illustrate, consider five different options for the long-term future of the SALT deduction. On the one hand, policymakers could make permanent the existing $10,000 cap, or go even further and eliminate the deduction entirely to help pay for making the TCJA individual provisions permanent in 2025. Policymakers may also choose to disallow the many state-level pass-through entity taxes that act as workarounds to the individual SALT deduction cap.

Alternatively, policymakers could compromise by permanently capping SALT at a more generous level than current law, such as a $15,000 cap, doubled for joint filers. Policymakers could also allow the cap to expire and return to a full SALT deduction for itemizers.

The revenue consequences of these decisions are large. For example, eliminating the SALT deduction altogether would raise about $2 trillion over 10 years. If the $10,000 cap was made permanent, it would raise about $1.2 trillion from 2026 to 2033. If Congress enacts rules to end state-level SALT cap workarounds, a permanent $10,000 cap would instead raise nearly $1.4 trillion, an 18 percent increase in revenue over 10 years. (This estimate, while uncertain due to limitations in state-level workaround revenue data, is consistent with other estimates on how workarounds impact SALT cap revenue.) A compromise option that would make permanent a more generous version of the cap compared to current law by increasing the amount to $15,000 single ($30,000 joint) would raise $564 billion over 10 years after losing revenue under the current law baseline in 2024 and 2025.

A full SALT deduction would cost about $226 billion in 2024 and 2025. The range of possibilities from SALT cap repeal to abolishing the entire SALT deduction has revenue implications totaling more than $2.2 trillion over the next decade.

Conventional Revenue Effect of Proposed Changes to the $10,000 State and Local Tax (SALT) Deduction Cap (Billions of Dollars)

Proposal (Billions of Dollars)20242025202620272028202920302031203220332024-2033
Eliminate the SALT Deduction$30.2$29.2$211.2$228.9$234.4$241.1$247.7$255.0$261.6$269.1$2,008.4
Make the $10,000 SALT Deduction Cap Permanent$0.0$0.0$119.4$131.2$136.3$142.1$148.7$154.1$160.1$167.7$1,158.8
Make the $10,000 SALT Deduction Cap Permanent and Disallow State SALT Workarounds$17.3$17.8$138.2$151.4$157.4$163.8$170.3$177.1$183.7$192.5$1,369.7
Double Joint SALT Cap and Make More Generous ($15K Single/$30K Joint)-$37.4-$37.4$63.5$70.4$73.8$77.7$81.8$85.7$89.8$96.3$564.2
Provide a Full SALT Deduction-$111.8-$114.3$0.0$0.0$0.0$0.0$0.0$0.0$0.0$0.0-$226.1

Note: Each option is run in isolation and may yield different revenue estimates if stacked with other individual or business tax changes.

Source: Tax Foundation General Equilibrium Model, November 2023.

While a permanent cap on SALT deductions would raise substantial revenue, it would reduce long-run economic growth. A cap on SALT deductions raises marginal tax rates on taxpayers taking the deduction, with the more stringent restrictions on the deduction generating large economic effects. For example, eliminating the SALT deduction would reduce long-run GDP by about 1 percent, while a permanent $10,000 cap would reduce long-run GDP by 0.6 percent. Providing a full deduction for SALT would have no long-run impact on economic growth as this is the baseline design for the SALT deduction after 2025. These negative economic effects could be offset by using the revenue from the cap to create new, or extend existing, pro-growth tax reforms.

Long-Run Economic Effects of Options to Change the State and Local Tax (SALT) Deduction

ProvisionChange in GDPChange in GNPChange in Capital StockChange in WagesChange in Full-Time Equivalent Jobs
Eliminate the SALT Deduction-1.0%-0.8%-1.9%-0.4%-651,000
Make the $10,000 SALT Deduction Cap Permanent-0.6%-0.5%-1.0%-0.2%-456,000
Make the $10,000 SALT Deduction Cap Permanent and Disallow State SALT Workarounds-0.7%-0.6%-1.3%-0.3%-508,000
Double Joint SALT Cap and Make More Generous ($15K Single/$30K Joint)-0.3%-0.3%-0.5%-0.1%-225,000
Provide a Full SALT Deduction0%0%0%0%0

Source: Tax Foundation General Equilibrium Model, November 2023. Items may not sum due to rounding.

The fate of the SALT cap also has consequences for the distribution of the tax burden. For example, an uncapped SALT deduction in 2025 would increase the top 1 percent’s after-tax incomes by about 2.7 percent. It would provide no benefit to the bottom 40 percent of taxpayers who generally do not itemize.

This regressive pattern remains even if the cap is in place at a more generous level—a $15,000 SALT cap ($30,000 joint) would increase after-tax incomes of the top 1 percent by 0.3 percent and the 95th to 99th percentile by 0.7 percent but provide little to no benefit to the bottom 60 percent of taxpayers. On the other hand, eliminating the deduction entirely would mostly impact the top 20 percent of earners, reducing their after-tax incomes, with minimal impact on the bottom 40 percent (on a dynamic basis, a permanent SALT cap would reduce after-tax incomes for all income groups through lower economic growth).

Conventional Distributional Effect of Options to Change the State and Local Tax (SALT) Deduction, 2025 (Percent Change in After-Tax Income)

Income QuintileEliminate the SALT DeductionMake the $10,000 SALT Deduction Cap PermanentMake the $10,000 SALT Deduction Cap Permanent and Disallow State SALT WorkaroundsDouble Joint SALT Cap and Make More Generous ($15K Single/$30K Joint)Provide a Full SALT Deduction
0% to 20%0%0%0%0%0%
20% to 40%0%0%0%0%0%
40% to 60%-0.1%0%0%0%Less than +0.05%
60% to 80%-0.2%0%0%0.1%0.1%
80% to 100%-0.3%0%-0.2%0.4%1.3%
80% to 90%-0.3%0%Less than -0.05%0.2%0.3%
90% to 95%-0.3%0%-0.1%0.5%0.6%
95% to 99%-0.4%0%-0.2%0.7%1.5%
99% to 100%-0.1%0%-0.6%0.3%2.7%

Source: Tax Foundation General Equilibrium Model, November 2023.

The distributional story is similar in 2026 when the baseline changes to an uncapped SALT deduction. Options to put a SALT cap in place would mostly impact higher earners, with the top 20 percent of taxpayers, and especially the top 10 percent, seeing declines in after-tax incomeAfter-tax income is the net amount of income available to invest, save, or consume after federal, state, and withholding taxes have been applied—your disposable income. Companies and, to a lesser extent, individuals, make economic decisions in light of how they can best maximize their earnings..

Making the $10,000 SALT cap permanent would make the tax code more progressive no matter what happens to state SALT workarounds. However, a ban on such workarounds would increase the SALT cap’s progressivity, leading to a larger drop in after-tax incomes for the top 20 percent of 1.5 percent, compared to 1.3 percent with workarounds permitted. While there are real revenue implications to whether workarounds are permitted long term, they do not change the big-picture story about the regressivity of the SALT cap.

Conventional Distributional Effect of Options to Change the State and Local Tax (SALT) Deduction, 2026 (Percent Change in After-Tax Income)

Income QuintileEliminate the SALT DeductionMake the $10,000 SALT Deduction Cap PermanentMake the $10,000 SALT Deduction Cap Permanent and Disallow State SALT WorkaroundsDouble Joint SALT Cap and Make More Generous ($15K Single/$30K Joint)Provide a Full SALT Deduction
0% to 20%0%0%0%0%0%
20% to 40%-0.1%0%0%0%0%
40% to 60%-0.3%Less than -0.05%Less than -0.05%0%0%
60% to 80%-0.8%-0.2%-0.2%Less than -0.05%0%
80% to 100%-2.1%-1.3%-1.5%-0.7%0%
80% to 90%-1.4%-0.6%-0.6%-0.1%0%
90% to 95%-2.0%-1.1%-1.2%-0.2%0%
95% to 99%-2.6%-1.8%-2.0%-0.9%0%
99% to 100%-2.6%-1.9%-2.5%-1.8%0%

Source: Tax Foundation General Equilibrium Model, November 2023.

Policymakers have big decisions to make in the coming years about the SALT cap and broader TCJA individual provisions. The facts are that the SALT cap has big revenue implications at a time when federal deficits have reached record levels, and a more generous SALT deduction would make the tax code more regressive. Rather than expanding the SALT deduction, lawmakers should consider further limiting it to pay for broader reforms to the tax code.

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Policymakers Must Weigh the Revenue, Distributional, and Economic Trade-Offs of SALT Deduction Cap Design Options (2024)


Policymakers Must Weigh the Revenue, Distributional, and Economic Trade-Offs of SALT Deduction Cap Design Options? ›

Policymakers Must Weigh the Revenue, Distributional, and Economic Trade-Offs of SALT Deduction Cap Design Options. Heading into 2024, Congress is inching closer to a raft of tax. issues related to the expiration of 2017's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) at the end of 2025.

How does the SALT deduction work? ›

The SALT deduction enables certain taxpayers to reduce their federally taxable income by the amount of state and local taxes they paid that year, up to $10,000 — $5,000 for married who file separately. This amount consists of property taxes plus local and state income taxes or state and local sales taxes, but not both.

What is the impact of the state and local tax SALT deduction cap on US home prices? ›

It finds that, by increasing user cost of owning homes, the SALT deduction cap had a significant negative impact on home prices in high-SALT counties. The cap reduced their annual growth rate by 0.79 percentage points, representing a reduction of nearly one-fourth of the U.S. historical growth rate per year.

What is the SALT deduction for Congress? ›

This bill increases the limitation on the deduction for state and local taxes to $20,000 for individuals filing a joint tax return. The limitation applies to taxable years 2018 through 2025.

Will the SALT cap expire in 2025? ›

The $10,000 limit on the SALT deduction was enacted to help pay for TCJA changes — and it's been a key issue for some lawmakers in high-tax states such as California, New Jersey and New York. The SALT cap is scheduled to expire in 2025.

How does California salt tax workaround work? ›

You can cut your personal federal tax liability with this money-saving strategy, which allows you to pay income tax at the entity level. Using the SALT workaround, you can deduct this tax on your federal entity level return. Doing so will lower your taxable income at the individual level.

What is the SALT deduction for Turbotax? ›

Keep in mind: For tax years 2018 through 2025, the SALT deduction (which includes sales tax) is capped at $10,000. That means if the combined total of your sales tax, real estate tax, and personal property tax amounts to $15,000, you can only deduct $10,000 maximum.

How many states have a salt cap workaround? ›

So far, more than 35 states have passed laws offering an entity-level tax on PTEs, giving individual owners complete or partial SALT deduction cap relief. These laws have a variety of effective dates and other differences.

Which states have filed suit against the SALT deduction cap? ›

Four states - Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey and New York, filed a suit in federal court in an attempt to overturn the SALT deduction cap provision of the TCJA. The states sought injunctive and declaratory relief from the cap on the basis that it violated states' rights as it relates to taxation.

Which states benefit from SALT deduction? ›

Just six states–California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Texas, and Pennsylvania–claimed more than half (51.6 percent) of the value of all SALT deductions nationwide. California alone was responsible for 20.7 percent of all SALT deductions.

What is the SALT deduction for Trump? ›

At stake is the so-called state and local tax deduction, or the SALT deduction, which was limited to $10,000 in Trump's signature tax law. But a new proposal would lift the cap to $20,000 for married couples, with the change retroactive for the 2023 tax year.

What is the Salt Elimination Act? ›

The SALT Marriage Penalty Elimination Act would remove the marriage penalty and raise the SALT deduction cap to $20,000 for joint filers and cap adjusted gross income at $500,000. Since being sworn into office in January 2023, LaLota has been explicitly clear on his support for restoring the SALT deduction.

Is mortgage interest subject to salt cap? ›

Given that $10,000 cap on the SALT deduction, you would need to find more than $2,200 in deductions elsewhere to justify itemizing on your tax return. Other expenses that you might be able to deduct: Mortgage interest (subject to a limit of $1 million or $750,000, depending on when you got the loan)

Will SALT deduction come back in 2026? ›

Currently $0, in 2026 the Cato Institute anticipates the personal exemption will be $5,300 for each individual, spouse, and dependent child. In addition, the SALT cap, currently $10,000 per tax return (not per person) will be eliminated.

What is the salt cap rate? ›

If the TCJA were extended indefinitely, including the current maximum SALT limit of $10,000 per filer, we estimate a cost of $2,540 billion over the 10 years between 2024 and 2033.

What does salt stand for in taxes? ›

The state and local tax (SALT) deduction permits taxpayers who itemize when filing federal taxes to deduct certain taxes paid to state and local governments.

What is the $10 000 SALT deduction cap? ›

The maximum amount you can take for the SALT deduction for 2023 (taxes filed in 2024) is $10,000 ($5,000 for married couples who file separately), the same as it was for tax year 2022. Congress.gov. H.R. 7160 - SALT Marriage Penalty Elimination Act.

What is the federal deduction for salt workaround? ›

California's recently enacted “SALT workaround” legislation enables owners of pass-through entities to bypass the $10,000 federal limit on state and local tax deductibility by allowing their businesses to pay an elective entity level tax of 9.3% of qualified California taxable income for tax years 2021 through 2025.

What is the salt limitation for sunset? ›

4. State and Local Tax (SALT) Limitation. The TCJA put a $10,000 cap on the SALT deduction, which allows taxpayers to deduct property, income and sales tax, for individuals who itemize their returns through 2025.

Is there a limit on how much mortgage interest you can deduct? ›

You can deduct the mortgage interest you paid during the tax year on the first $750,000 of your mortgage debt for your primary home or a second home. If you are married filing separately, the limit drops to $375,000.

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