Do personal loans affect getting a mortgage? (2024)

Do personal loans affect getting a mortgage? (1)

A personal loan is a form of credit, and both applying for and taking out a loan could impact your credit file.

As mortgage providers will assess your credit file at some point during the mortgage application process, a personal loan could have some kind of impact on getting a mortgage. Whether that impact is good or bad will depend on your personal situation.

That’s because a personal loan affects the amount of debt you have and may also impact how lenders view your creditworthiness.

You may find that having a manageable loan that you consistently repay on time demonstrates reliability, which could make it more likely for a mortgage lender to offer you a mortgage - potentially at a more competitive rate.

How personal loans impact mortgage applications

When assessing your mortgage application, lenders will look at how you’ve managed debt in the past, and your current levels of debt compared to the money you have coming in (your debt-to-income ratio).

Mortgage lenders prefer low-risk applicants (i.e. the applicants who are most likely to repay their debt on time) – and usually these applicants have lower amounts of existing debt that they repay, on time, consistently. That doesn’t mean that you can’t have a personal loan and successfully apply for a mortgage. It just means you need to be aware of how a loan can impact your application.


Your personal loan will be recorded on your credit file, which will be assessed as part of the lender’s decision-making process. Lenders will be able to see how you’ve handled your repayments. If you have consistently repaid your loan on time every month, this could demonstrate to the lender that you’re able to responsibly handle long-term debt. This may make it more likely that your mortgage application will be accepted, and you may even qualify for a more competitive rate.

You may also find that a personal loan adds to your credit mix and builds your credit history. Being able to show you’ve successfully managed debt in the past, in many cases, is far better than having no credit history at all. You can find out more in our guide on how to build credit history.

However, if you have a history of making late payments – or missing them altogether – this will be recorded on your credit file. Naturally, lenders may be more hesitant to offer you a mortgage at the best rates if you’ve been unreliable paying back what you owe in the past.


Lenders need to be confident you’ll be able to afford your mortgage repayments alongside any other credit commitments – including a personal loan. Mortgage lenders will look at your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio (what percentage of your monthly income is spent on repaying debt) to determine how much you may be able to borrow. If your DTI is low (ideally below 36%) your mortgage application is more likely to be accepted. Of course, a personal loan will play a part in your DTI and this could impact how much additional money you may be able to borrow.

How to minimise the impact of personal loans on mortgage applications

1. Make your repayments on time

Show prospective lenders you are likely to be a good customer by demonstrating a positive payment history.

2. Pay off as much of your debt as possible before applying for a mortgage

If your debt-to-income ratio is higher than you’d like it to be, consider paying off as much of your debt as possible before applying for any additional credit (including a mortgage). This could help you to improve your chances of being approved.

Always check for potential early repayment charges or fees to ensure settling your loan early is affordable for you.

3. Check your credit report

While there’s no such thing as a universal credit score – each lender will have their own scoring system – most lenders will use your credit report as part of your application assessment. It’s therefore a good idea to make sure you know what’s included on your credit file and ensure the information on there is accurate and up to date.

4. Limit the amount of credit you take out before applying

If you already have a personal loan, you may still be paying it off when you apply for a mortgage. Generally speaking, this may not affect your chances of success too much as long as your debt-to-income ratio remains lower than around 36% and you continually make your repayments on time.

However, do try to avoid applying for new credit if a mortgage application is on the cards. Remember that applying for any form of credit results in a hard credit check being recorded on your file, too, and multiple hard searches in a short space of time could raise concerns as it may indicate you’re struggling financially.

It's therefore sensible to wait for your mortgage application to be accepted and fully secured before applying for a loan to minimise the impact a temporary credit score hit could have on your application.

5. Research reorganising high-interest debt

Mortgage lenders will look at any and all debt, including high-interest credit cards. You may therefore find it beneficial to consider consolidating high-interest debts using a loan, though take care to ensure the interest rate on your loan is lower than the combined interest rate of your other debts if you’re aiming to bring your monthly repayments down.

While consolidation won’t reduce the amount of debt you have, you may find it more straightforward to manage just one debt repayment. This could help you to clear debt quicker which could improve your chances of being accepted for a mortgage.

Other mortgage FAQs

What are the key differences between a personal loan and a mortgage?

Personal loans are a type of unsecured loan, which means borrowers won’t need to put forward collateral to secure a loan. Borrowers apply for the funds they need and repay the money over a series of fixed-rate monthly instalments.

Mortgages, on the other hand, require borrowers to secure the loan against their home. This means that, should you fail to keep up with your repayments, a lender could repossess your home to recoup your debt.

You can usually borrow a smaller amount of money over a shorter timeframe using a personal loan, whereas mortgages may allow you to borrow a much larger amount of money and spread the repayments over several years. Whilst the interest rates on a secured loan such as a mortgage may be lower compared to a personal loan, you may end up paying more interest in total as you’ll be making repayments for longer.

Can I get a personal loan with a mortgage?

If you have already secured your mortgage but you have another significant expense on the horizon (such as paying for a car, a wedding or even some exciting home improvements for your new property), it may be possible for you to get an additional personal loan.

As discussed earlier, lenders assess your creditworthiness (the likelihood of you paying back what you owe) and your affordability (whether any additional credit may put strain on your finances) when deciding on an application.

If you are reliably repaying your mortgage each month, and an additional personal loan repayment is affordable for you, you may be able to get a personal loan if you already have a mortgage. Taking out a loan is a big financial decision and so should be considered extremely carefully.

Though there are no strict timescales, it may be best to wait between three and six months before applying for a loan if you have only recently secured a mortgage. This will give enough time for your repayment behaviour to be reflected on your credit report (and thus your credit score).

Can I pay off my mortgage with a personal loan?

Even if you are able to find a lender who would be prepared to lend you the money to pay off your mortgage (which is extremely unlikely), you could find yourself paying much more interest each month as personal loans tend to have higher interest rates compared to a mortgage. You will also need to consider any fees you’ll incur by paying off your mortgage early.

If your main priority is to pay off your mortgage sooner (perhaps to reduce the total amount of interest you need to pay), consider shopping around to find a mortgage lender that provides shorter-term mortgages instead.

Can I use a loan for a mortgage deposit?

If you don’t want to wait to save up for a deposit, it may seem like a good shortcut to simply borrow the money you need. However, most loan providers, including ourselves, will not allow you to take out a personal loan if you intend to use the money to pay off your mortgage or use it as a house deposit.

Furthermore, many mortgage providers will ask for proof of deposit funds and may reject your application if you’ve taken out a personal loan to fund your deposit.

That’s because lenders have a duty of care to all customers, and ensuring credit is affordable to customers is a key part of this. Taking out a loan and a mortgage concurrently will leave you with large debt repayments which you may struggle to comfortably afford (and will likely increase your debt-to-income ratio beyond a lender’s maximum limit).

Using a loan to fund a deposit essentially means you’ll be taking out a 100% mortgage and will have no equity on the property, which can be risky and could increase your chance of falling into negative equity (when your debt on the property is larger than its value).

Saving up for your deposit, using a gifted house deposit from friends or family, or looking into a guarantor mortgage may be more suitable options.

Can I add a personal loan to my mortgage?

While it is technically possible to consolidate debts into your mortgage by increasing the overall size of your mortgage, it’s something you should consider extremely carefully. For one thing, mortgages are a type of secured lending and so any debt will be secured against your home. Fail to keep up with your repayments, and your house could be repossessed by your lender.

While you may be able to reduce your monthly outgoings (because a secured loan like a mortgage may have a lower interest rate and a longer repayment term), you may actually end up paying more interest in total when you spread the cost over a longer period.

An alternative option could be to research debt consolidation loans, or to try and clear your debts over time instead.

Find out more about personal loans

Our is packed full of helpful guides to help you understand the ins and outs of personal loans. From whether a loan impacts your credit score to what you can and can’t use a loan for, we explain everything you need to know.

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Written by

Sophie Venner

Sophie Venner is a Yorkshire-based content writer specialising in crafting content for the financial services industry. She’s written over 300 articles on finance, but she’s covered everything from insurance to digital marketing trends. Her content has been featured in the likes of Semrush, Digital Marketing Magazine and Insurance Business. In her spare time, you won’t find Sophie far from a notepad and pen as she squirrels away trying to write a novel.

Wednesday 1st November 2023

Do personal loans affect getting a mortgage? (2024)


Do personal loans affect getting a mortgage? ›

Will a Personal Loan Affect My Mortgage Application? Yes, getting a personal loan before buying a house can impact your mortgage application. Any debt you have listed on your credit reports can affect your ability to get a mortgage loan.

Can a personal loan prevent you from getting a mortgage? ›

Lenders typically prefer that no more than 30-35% of your income is used to pay debts. If your personal loan payment carries your ratio over that threshold, you may not qualify for as much as you want or need for a mortgage loan.

Do personal loans hurt you when buying a house? ›

A personal loan could have a negative impact on your mortgage application if the loan payments are high in relation to your income. A lender may worry that you don't have enough wiggle room to cover your current expenses and debts, plus a mortgage payment. A personal loan also impacts your credit score.

Can I have a mortgage with a personal loan? ›

If you already have a personal loan, you may still be paying it off when you apply for a mortgage. Generally speaking, this may not affect your chances of success too much as long as your debt-to-income ratio remains lower than around 36% and you continually make your repayments on time.

Does getting a personal loan affect you? ›

A personal loan can affect your credit score in a number of ways⁠—both good and bad. Taking out a personal loan isn't bad for your credit score in and of itself. However, it may affect your overall score for the short term and make it more difficult for you to obtain additional credit before that new loan is paid back.

Do personal loans look bad to lenders? ›

Yes, getting a personal loan before buying a house can impact your mortgage application. Any debt you have listed on your credit reports can affect your ability to get a mortgage loan.

How soon after buying a house can I get a personal loan? ›

Also, after you've closed on a loan, you probably want to wait three to six months before taking out a personal loan. Personal loans can be handy for homeowners, and there's no official rule that you can't apply for one when you're shopping for a house.

What is a disadvantage of a personal loan? ›

Personal loans often come with a slew of different charges. Some loans charge a prepayment penalty that impacts borrowers who plan to pay back their loans early. Others may charge an origination fee that's typically between 1% and 6% of the loan amount. There may also be fees for missed or late payments.

How bad do personal loans affect your credit? ›

Does a personal loan hurt your credit score? Your credit score can dip a few points when you formally apply for a personal loan, but missed payments can cause a more significant drop. Getting a personal loan will also increase the amount of debt you owe, which is one of the factors that make up your credit score.

Do personal loans count against your credit? ›

Personal loans could be reported to the three major credit bureaus—Experian®, Equifax® and TransUnion®. If yours is, the loan may be considered when your credit scores are calculated. That means that a personal loan could hurt or help your credit scores.

Does credit card debt affect a mortgage application? ›

Can credit card debt affect your mortgage? Credit card debt could suggest to lenders that you're having financial troubles. This could indicate to them the risk that you may not be able to repay any new credit that you receive, such as a mortgage loan.

Does a line of credit affect a mortgage? ›

Along with many other types of debt, a line of credit can influence the mortgage approval process. In certain situations, having or taking out a line of credit may make approval much more difficult. In others, the line of credit may not be a major obstacle to approval.

What is the income to debt ratio for a mortgage? ›

The debt-to-income (DTI) ratio measures the percentage of a person's monthly income that goes to debt payments. A DTI of 43% is typically the highest ratio a borrower can have and still get qualified for a mortgage, but lenders generally seek ratios of no more than 36%.

What is one huge disadvantage of a personal loan? ›

If you don't keep up with your monthly payments or fail multiple applications, personal loans can harm your credit score. When you apply for a loan the lender will conduct a hard-credit inquiry, which will knock your score down a few points and the amount of debt you owe vs. your annual income can damage your credit.

What credit score do you need to get a $30,000 loan? ›

You will need a credit score of 580 or higher to get a $30,000 personal loan in most cases, along with enough income to afford the monthly bill payments. Other common loan requirements include being at least 18 years old, being a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident, and having a valid bank account.

Do personal loans count as income? ›

The Bottom Line. Personal loans typically won't be considered income and, as such, cannot be taxed, with one main exception: Should a lender cancel part of a borrower's personal loan debt, then the canceled portion is considered taxable income.

What disqualifies a home loan? ›

High debt-to-income (DTI)

Before approving you for a mortgage, lenders review your monthly income in relation to your monthly debt, or your debt-to-income (DTI). A good rule of thumb: your mortgage payment should not be more than 28% of your monthly gross income. Similarly, your DTI should not be more than 36%.

What disqualifies you from getting a personal loan? ›

The reasons for loan denial can vary based on your unique situation. Common factors that prevent you from getting a personal loan can include a low credit score, insufficient credit history, a high debt-to-income (DTI) ratio or requesting too much money.

Can you wrap a personal loan into a mortgage? ›

Put simply: Yes, homeowners can consolidate debt into a new mortgage loan. However, it's important to note that this isn't possible for all buyers and there are some key steps you'll need to take first.

Can a lender deny a loan for any reason? ›

Lenders have the ultimate decision-making power when it comes to who they will provide loans to. In general, though, if you're denied a personal loan, it most likely has to do with your credit score, income situation, or DTI. Before you apply, check the lender's criteria to determine if you're likely to qualify.

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