Assemble and Adjust a Bowl-Lift Mixer (2024)

", { "class": F }); an.append(ai, ah, al); return an } function M() { var ae = H(z), af ="service-get-cart"); return H.ajax({ type: "GET", crossDomain: true, url: af, dataType: "json", accepts: { text: "application/json" } }) } function ab(ae) { if (ae < 1) { H(E).addClass(C) } if (ae > 0) { H(E).removeClass(C); H(B).text(ae) } } function s() { var ae = H(z); eventsSelector = "click" + z + " touchend" + z; if (":visible")) { aa.on(eventsSelector, function (ag) { var ah = (ae.has( == 0 && !, af = (H(; if (ah || af) { ae.hide(); ae.removeClass(o); ae.removeClass(e); } }) } } function V() { aa.ready(function () { try { U() } catch (ae) { console.log(ae.stack) } }) } return { init: V, setTotalItems: ab } })(jQuery); cartMini.init(); var footer = (function (e) { var g = e(document), b = ".form-submit-success", a = "form-submit-error-on", d = ".form-submit-error"; function f() { g.ready(function () { e("#footer-sign-up").submit(function (h) { h.preventDefault(); c() }) }) } function c() { var k = e("#footer-sign-up"), m = k.serializeArray(), j = k.attr("method"), l = k.attr("action"), n = k.find(b), h = k.find(d); var i = null; m.forEach(function (o) { i = (i === null ? "?" + : i + "&" + + "=" + o.value }); if (n.hasClass(a)) { n.removeClass(a) } if (h.hasClass(a)) { h.removeClass(a) } e.ajax({ contentType: "application/json", crossDomain: true, dataType: "json", type: j, url: l + i }).done(function (o) { e(formSelector).trigger("reset"); if (n) { n.addClass(a) } }).fail(function (o) { if (o.status == "200") { n.addClass(a); h.removeClass(a) } else { h.addClass(a); n.removeClass(a) } }) } return { init: f } })(jQuery); footer.init(); var resetPassword = (function (c) { var g = c(document), b = ".reset-password", d = "#resetToken"; function a(h) { var i = new RegExp("[?&]" + h + "=([^]*)").exec(window.location.href); return i[1] || 0 } function f() { c(d).val(a("token")) } function e() { g.ready(function () { if (c(b).length > 0) { f() } }) } return { init: e } })(jQuery); resetPassword.init(); var catTiles = (function (e) { var d = e(document), h = ".category-tile", j = ".category-tile-image", b = ".category-tile-image-hover"; function i() { d.ready(function () { if (e(h).length > 0) { g(); f() } }) } function g() { d.on("mouseenter", j, function () { var k = e(this); a(k) }); d.on("mouseleave", j, function () { c() }) } function f() { d.on("touchend", j, function () { var k = e(this); a(k) }) } function c() { e(b).removeClass("category-tile-show-overlay") } function a(k) { setTimeout(function () { c(); k.find(b).addClass("category-tile-show-overlay") }, 500) } return { init: i } })(jQuery); catTiles.init(); var prodCarousel = (function (j) { var n = j(document), c = { small: 767, medium: 1023 }, i = "prd-carousel", p = ".prd-carousel", B = ".prd-carousel__items-list", C = ".prd-carousel__item", h = ".prd-carousel__item button", x = ".product-tile-img", o = ".prd-carousel__prev--btn", e = ".prd-carousel__next--btn", g = ".prd-carousel__status", m = ".prd-carousel__status-active", w = ".prd-carousel__status-total", r = ".prd-carousel__product-tile__title--link", f = ".prd-carousel__product-tile__btn", l = ".prd-carousel-rating-link", v = ".cartproduct-i18dictionary"; digitalData.productList = digitalData.productList || []; function k() { var D = j(B).not(".slick-initialized"); D.each(function () { var F = j(this); var E = F.find(C); t(F, E); F.slick({ mobileFirst: true, appendDots: j("#" +"dot-id")), infinite: false, prevArrow: j("#" +"prev-id")), nextArrow: j("#" +"next-id")), dots: false, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, draggable: true, responsive: [{ breakpoint: c.small, settings: { dots: (E.length > 3) ? true : false, slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 3, draggable: true } }, { breakpoint: c.medium, settings: { dots: (E.length > 4) ? true : false, slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll: 4, draggable: false } }] }) }) } function t(E, D) { E.on("init", function (G, F) { j(this).parent().parent().find(m).html(1); j(this).parent().parent().find(w).html(D.length); setTimeout(function () { s() }, 10) }); E.on("afterChange", function (H, F) { var G = j(this).slick("slickCurrentSlide") + 1; var I = D.length; j(this).parent().parent().find(m).html(G); j(this).parent().parent().find(w).html(I) }) } function q() { j(r).clamp({ clamp: 2 }) } function s() { if (j(r).length > 0) { q() } } function A() { if (typeof $BV != "undefined") { console.log("Inside invokeCarouselInlineRatings"); var G = j(".whp-carousel-bv-helper"); var F = {}, H = {}, I = []; if (G.length > 0) { j(G).each(function (L) { var M = j(this); var K ="product-code"); if (K) { F = {}; H = {}; K = K.toString(); var J = {}; J.url ="product-url"); F[K.toUpperCase()] = J; H.productIds = F; H.containerPrefix ="container-id"); I["container-id")] = H } }); console.log(I); for (var E in I) { if (I.hasOwnProperty(E)) { var D = I[E]; $BV.ui("rr", "inline_ratings", D) } } } } } function d(D) { var E = j(D), H = j(p).data("is-commerce-site"), K ="store-locator-link"), J ="prod-endpoint-base"), I ="prod-code"), F ="prod-endpoint-query-str"), L = J + I + F, G = j.ajax({ type: "GET", crossDomain: true, url: L, dataType: "json", accepts: { text: "application/json" } }); G.done(function (O) { var Q = j(p).data("base-image-path") || "", P = O.isMajorAppliance, N = { product: { majorCat: O.isMajorAppliance, url: K, imgUrl: O.picture, model: O.code, name: encodeURIComponent(, code: O.code, color: (!O.color ? "" : encodeURIComponent(, price: O.price.value, stockLevelStatus: ((O.stock !== undefined) && (O.stock.stockLevelStatus !== undefined) ? O.stock.stockLevelStatus : "outOfStock"), qty: 1, reviewCount: O.averageRating, reviewStars: O.numberOfReviews, thumbnailURL: Q + O.picture, msrpPrice: (O.baseDisplayPrice && O.baseDisplayPrice.formattedValue) ? O.baseDisplayPrice.formattedValue : "", productType: P ? "major" : "smalls", category: (O.categories !== undefined) ? O.categories[0].code : "", subcategory: (O.categories !== undefined) ? O.categories[0].pipedCategory : "", buyable: (O.productIsBuyable) ? O.productIsBuyable.toString() : "", purchasable: (O.purchasable !== undefined) ? O.purchasable : "false", sku: O.code }, endpoint:"add-to-cart-endpoint"), text: { addBtn: j(v).data("addto-cart"), viewBtn: j(v).data("view-details"), whereBtn: "" }, cssClasses: "button-full", isCommerceSite: H, parentCompClass: i }; var M = addToCartBtn.newCtaBtn(N); E.html(M); addToCartBtn.init() }).fail(function (M) { throw new Error("Request for get product failed. CTA buttons not built") }) } function b(G, F) { var J = Math.floor(G), I = Math.floor((G - J) * 100), D = j(F).find(".pdp-tray__star-icon"); for (var E = 0; E < D.length; E++) { var H = j(D[E]); if (E < J) { H.find(".pdp-tray__full-star").css("display", "block") } else { H.find(".pdp-tray__empty-star").css("display", "block") } } if (I >= 25 && I < 75) { j(D[J]).find(".pdp-tray__half-star").css("display", "block"); j(D[J]).find(".pdp-tray__empty-star").css("display", "none") } if (I >= 75) { j(D[J]).find(".pdp-tray__full-star").css("display", "block"); j(D[J]).find(".pdp-tray__empty-star").css("display", "none") } } function a() { j(".pdp-tray__stars").each(function () { var D = j(this).data("rating"); b(D, j(this)) }) } function z() { j(h).each(function () { digitalData.productList.push(u(j(this))) }) } function u(D) { var E = { productName: decodeURIComponent("product-name")), sku:"product-sku"), reviewCount:"product-reviewcount"), reviewStars:"product-reviewstars"), thumbnailURL:"product-thumbnailurl"), price:"product-price"), salePrice:"product-saleprice"), category:"product-category"), subCategory:"product-subcategory"), availability:"product-availability"), purchasable:"product-purchasable"), productType:"product-type") }; return E } function y() { n.ready(function () { if (j(B).length > 0) { k(); j(f).each(function () { d(j(this)) }); A(); n.ajaxStop(function () { z() }); a() } }) } return { init: y } })(jQuery); prodCarousel.init(); var compareBar = (function (x) { var H = x(document), t = ".compare-bar-container", g = ".compare-bar-product-link", j = ".add-to-compare", v = ".compare-bar-delete-trigger", J = ".compare-bar-tiles-row", b = "#productsToCompare", e = 0, I = "compare-bar-hide", c = ".compare-bar-collapse-icon", D = "compare-bar-drawer-hide", u = ".compare-bar-remove-all", F = ".compare-product-tile.not-empty-product", i = "#compare-bar-link", d = "$ka-product-thumbnail$", h = 1023; var B = 0; digitalData.event = []; function n() { H.on("click", i, function () { var K = ""; K += (window.location.pathname) ? window.location.pathname : ""; K += ( ? : ""; K = encodeURI(K); localStorage.setItem("historyURL", K) }) } function o() { if (localStorage.getItem("drawer") === "true" && e > 0) { p() } else { w() } } function G() { H.ready(function () { if (x(t).length > 0) {"cb: doc ready"); f(); q(); A(); C(); n(); o() } H.on("change", j, function () {"cb: changed"); var M = x(this), L = M.parents(".form-checkbox"), K ="product-id"); if (":checked") && e < 4) { m(K, L) } else { y(K) } }); H.on("click", v, function () {"cb: delete"); var L = x(this), K ="product-id"); y(K) }); if (x(F).length > 0) { digitalData.compareProducts = []; x(F).each(function () { digitalData.compareProducts.push(a(x(this))) }) } }) } function k() { x(g).each(function () { x(this).not(".cb-clamped").clamp({ clamp: 3 }).addClass("cb-clamped") }) } function f() { var L = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== "undefined" && localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== null) { L = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("compareData")); for (var K in L) { x('.add-to-compare[data-product-id="' + K + '"]').prop("disabled", false).prop("checked", true) } if (JSON.stringify(L) !== "{}" && L !== null) { p(); z() } } } function y(L, N) { var M = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== "undefined" && localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== null) { M = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("compareData")) } if (N) { M = {}; x(".add-to-compare").prop("checked", false) } else { for (var K in M) { if (K === L) { delete M[K] } } x('.add-to-compare[data-product-id="' + L + '"]').prop("checked", false) } localStorage.setItem("compareData", JSON.stringify(M)); z(true); E() } function m(N, M) {"cb: update ajax call"); var O = x(t).data("lang"), L = x(t).data("compare-url"), K = x(t).data("site"); x.ajax({ type: "GET", url: L + K + "/products/" + N + "?fields=FULL&lang=" + O + "&version=Online", accepts: { text: "application/json" }, dataType: "json", success: function (P) { if (typeof (Storage) !== "undefined") { var Q = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== "undefined" && localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== null) { Q = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("compareData")) } if (Object.keys(Q).length < 4) { Q[N] = P; localStorage.setItem("compareData", JSON.stringify(Q)); digitalData.event[B] = s(M); if (typeof _satellite != "undefined") { _satellite.track("analytics-success")) } console.log(digitalData.event); B += 1 } else { M.find("input").prop("checked", false); console.log("Comparable products limit exceeded.") } f() } else { M.find("input").prop("checked", false); console.log("localStorage not supported") } }, error: function (P) { M.find("input").prop("checked", false); console.log("Error:", P.status) } }) } function z(N) {"cb: update drawer"); var M = {}; e = 0; if (localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== "undefined" && localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== null) { M = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("compareData")) } x(J).html(""); x("a#compare-bar-link").attr("href", "#"); for (var L in M) { if (M.hasOwnProperty(L)) { var K = '

\n'; x(J).append(K); r(M[L].code.toUpperCase()) } e++ } if (e === 0) { l(); localStorage.setItem("drawer", "true") } else { if (e === 4) { q() } } if (b) { x(b).html(e); if (!N) { p() } k() } } function q() { if (e === 4) { x(j).each(function () { var K = x(this); if (!":checked")) { K.prop("disabled", true) } }) } } function E() { x(j).prop("disabled", false) } function r(M) { var N = x("a#compare-bar-link"), L = N.attr("href"), K = ""; if (L !== "#") { K = L.substr(0, L.lastIndexOf(".html") !== -1 ? L.lastIndexOf(".") : L.length); K = K + "." + M + ".html" } else { K = x(t).data("compare-path") + "." + M + ".html" } N.attr("href", K) } function p() { x(t).removeClass(I); (window.innerWidth > h) ? x(t).removeClass(D) : null } function l() { x(t).addClass(I); w() } function w() { x(t).addClass(D) } function A() { H.on("click", c, function () { if (x(t).hasClass(D)) { x(t).removeClass(D); localStorage.setItem("drawer", true) } else { w(); localStorage.setItem("drawer", false) } }) } function C() { H.on("click", u, function () { y(null, true) }) } function s(K) { var L = K; var M = { eventInfo: { eventName:"product-eventname"), eventAction:"product-eventaction"), product: [{ productInfo: { sku:"product-sku"), productName: decodeURIComponent("product-name")) || "", reviewCount:"product-reviewcount") || "", reviewStars:"product-reviewstars") || "", thumbnailURL:"product-thumbnailurl") || "", price:"product-price") || "", salePrice:"product-saleprice") || "", category:"product-category") || "", subCategory:"product-subcategory") || "", availability:"product-availability") || "", purchasable:"product-purchasable") || "", productType:"product-type") || "" } }] } }; return M } function a(L) { var K = { productInfo: { productName: decodeURIComponent("product-name")), sku:"product-sku"), reviewCount:"product-reviewcount") ?"product-reviewcount").toString() : "", reviewStars:"product-reviewstars") ?"product-reviewstars").toString() : "", thumbnailURL:"product-thumbnailurl"), price:"product-price") ?"product-price").toString() : "", salePrice:"product-saleprice") ?"product-saleprice").toString() : "", category:"product-categories"), subCategory:"product-subcategories"), availability:"product-availability"), purchasable:"product-purchasable") ?"product-purchasable").toString() : "", productType:"product-type") } }; return K } return { init: G } })(jQuery); compareBar.init(); var badges = (function (b) { var f = b(document), e = ".badge", c = "data-expiry"; function a() { b(e).each(function () { var g = decodeURIComponent(b(this).attr(c)), h = (g && > Date.parse(g)); if (h) { b(this).hide() } if (!h) { b(this).show() } }) } function d() { f.ready(function () { var g = b(e).length > 0; if (g) { a() } }) } return { init: d } })(jQuery); badges.init(); var contactUs = (function (d) { var c = d(document), b = ".contact-us", e, h, i; function j() { c.ready(function () { if (d(b).length > 0) { k(); a(); g() } }) } function k() { var l = 500; var m = d("#comment_ques_txt_box").data("count-text"); d("#comment_ques_char_count").html(l + " " + m); d("#comment_ques_txt_box").keyup(function () { var n = d("#comment_ques_txt_box").val().length; var o = l - n; d("#comment_ques_char_count").html(o + " " + m) }) } function a() { d("#contact-us-topic-drp").on("change", function () { _this = d(this); var l ="choices"); d("#contact-us-sub-topic-drp").html(""); l.forEach(function (o, m) { if (_this.find(":selected").text() === o.val) { var n ="sub-" + (m + 1)); n.forEach(function (p) { if (p.disabled) { d("#contact-us-sub-topic-drp").append("

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'; return n } function b(n) { var m = "

star rating instance (" + n.starRatingInstance + ") already exist

"; if (e(i + '[data-star-rating-instance="' + n.starRatingInstance + '"]').length === 0) { m = '

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Assemble and Adjust a Bowl-Lift Mixer (2024)


Assemble and Adjust a Bowl-Lift Mixer? ›

SHOULD KITCHENAID® STAND MIXER ACCESSORIES TOUCH THE BOTTOM OF THE BOWL? When properly adjusted, accessories should not strike the bottom or sides of the bowl. If the Flat Beater or the Wire Whip are so close that they strike the bottom of the bowl, the coating may wear off the beater or the wires on the whip may wear.

Should KitchenAid whisk touch the bottom of a bowl? ›

SHOULD KITCHENAID® STAND MIXER ACCESSORIES TOUCH THE BOTTOM OF THE BOWL? When properly adjusted, accessories should not strike the bottom or sides of the bowl. If the Flat Beater or the Wire Whip are so close that they strike the bottom of the bowl, the coating may wear off the beater or the wires on the whip may wear.

What is the point of a bowl lift stand mixer? ›

Ease of adding ingredients.

The lifting mechanism makes it easier to add ingredients to the bowl while the mixer is running.

How do you attach a bowl to a KitchenAid stand mixer? ›

To attach the bowl, turn the speed control to OFF and unplug your stand mixer. Put the bowl-lift handle in the DOWN position and position the bowl supports over the locating pins. Press down on the back of the bowl until you hear the pin snap into the spring latch.

What are the parts of a mixer? ›

Included from the top down are: input and output jacks, compression and EQ knobs, auxiliary sends, effect functions, faders and output levels.

How do you get a stand mixer bowl unstuck? ›

Try applying mineral oil on the bottom of the bowl near the crease where the bowl attaches to the base plate. The mineral oil may lubricate the bowl enough to allow it to come loose. If you do not have mineral oil, use a vegetable oil cooking spray instead.

What is the screw on the side of a KitchenAid mixer for? ›

Unplug the stand mixer. Place the bowl-lift handle in the down position. Attach flat beater. Adjust so the flat beater just clears the bottom surface of the bowl when in lifted position by turning screw (A) counterclockwise to raise the bowl and clockwise to lower the bowl.

What not to do with a KitchenAid mixer? ›

  1. The use of attachments not recommended or sold by.
  2. Do not use the Stand Mixer outdoors.
  3. Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter.
  4. Remove flat beater, wire whip, or dough hook from.

Is it OK to lay a KitchenAid mixer on its side? ›

Ideally you'd leave your stand mixer out on the counter, but when that's not possible, store your appliance in a chest-height cabinet. When stashed too low or too high, you're at a greater risk of dropping the mixer or injuring yourself. You also want to make sure the mixer is stored upright and not on its side.

Why is my KitchenAid mixer not reaching the side of the bowl? ›

If the beater is too high, it cannot reach and incorporate the ingredients. If the beater is too low, it can hit the bottom of the bowl, and the white coating can chip off the bottom of your beater. The clearance is adjusted at the factory, but can change over time, and can easily be raised or lowered.

Is the bowl on a stand mixer supposed to spin? ›

A: On the stand mixers all turntables are free-wheeling and must be turned by hand. The bowl spins on a freely spinning base by the nylon tip of the cone shape beater. The bowl may need to be nudged with your hand to encourage it to spin.

Why does my KitchenAid mixer jump when kneading dough? ›

Is dough being kneaded? It is normal for the head to bounce a little when kneading bread or heavy beaters. Ensure you are not kneading bread at too high a speed as it will make the head bounce worse and can cause permanent damage to the locking mechanism.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.